E-Learning is a hosted service. All of our orders are FINAL. There is NO RETURN, NO REFUND, NO EXCHANGE. So, If you have any questions, please contact customer service at info@theglobeinanutshell.com prior to purchasing.
- 64Kbps connection to the Internet
- Browsers that support E-Learning:
- Internet Explorer 8 and above
- Firefox 19.0 and above
- Chrome 25.0 and above
- Safari 5.1 and above
- Opera 12.1 and above
- iOS Safari 4.0 and above
- Opera Mini 7.0 and above
- Android Browser 2.2 and above
- Installed sound card, and
- A purchased Travel Code to login to E-Learning with The Globe in a Nutshell. Register here.
If you are uncertain whether or not your computer system is compatible with The Globe in a Nutshell's E-Learning applications, we strongly advise you to click on our . before you place an order. If your system displays video in this presentation suitably, you should have no difficulty using any of The Globe in a Nutshell's E-Learning courses. Once an order is processed, there is no eligibility for refund, everything is FINAL.